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Monday, December 29, 2014

Cherished Gifts and Cherished People

With a bit of sadness, Christmas day has come and gone.  I. like many of you, look forward to this day all year.  Some of us even begin preparing for it the day after the festivities are over.

I have begun to plan for next year by going to Wal Mart with my daughter and purchasing three rolls of Hallmark wrapping paper for next Christmas.  Along with that there was a pack of 100 tags that I brought home and some tissue paper to put in the Christmas gift bags I got for .50 cents each.  Everyone knows the gift bags stay at grandma's house to be recycled for nest year.  My small part in keeping the environment healthy as well as the budget.  I bought more bags this year because I found wrapping most gifts this year had my body, especially my hands, in an uproar.

This year I waited to wrap gifts.  As time went on I found myself with the bulk of the wrapping being done two hours before my guests arrived.  I don't ever want to do that again.  My hands were in pain and my back was not in the mood to like me very much.  The task completed and the gifts under the tree just in time for the guests to arrive.  2015 will be different.  The gifts will get wrapped as they come into the house.  Of course I will forget what's in the wrapped packages so I will put a little note on the bottom to remind me using small print.

I received some tear jerking gifts this year.  My grandson asked me if next year I could get gifts that didn't make me cry.  I'm not sure, but I doubt it.  Time to learn to turn your head when the tears flow.  It's only for a few minutes anyway.  Call it preparation for when you get married.

Our eldest daughter found a picture of her dad when he was on ship in the Navy.  He was 17 or 18 years old trying to learn the guitar.  The picture was a bit beat up so she took it to a friend and traded baby sitting services while her friend and her husband shopped for Christmas in trade for the work her friend did on the picture.

The result of her efforts is a large black and white photo framed in a sturdy black frame.  I'm going to have my husband's ID bracelet attached to the frame to be displayed over the fireplace.  Of course I also cried when my son sent me the bracelet that his dad gave to him.

Daughter number two sent me 2 items that brought tears escaping.  When I opened those gifts I was alone so no one had to be uncomfortable.  I got a picture pillow of my grandchildren and a reusable grocery bag with another picture and the words 'Best Grandma' under the picture.  I see this as a conversation starter when I'm grocery shopping.

Daughter number three surprised me with a shadow box for my husband's flag from the Navy I received when a color guard played taps at his service.  I have been meaning to find one for years, but never remembered when I was out shopping.  Another choked up time when I was thanking her for the great gift.  Her response was she didn't want the kids to unravel the flag while they were playing in the loft.

The one and only son is not to be forgotten.  No tears when I opened a gift from him, only a big smile.  He sent me a large gift card to a national chain.  There's some fun in my future with this gift.

This Christmas was filled with appreciation and lots of fun and great company.  I sincerely hope all of my readers had a warm and happy time with those that you love.

Gifts of love that I will always cherish from people I already cherish.


  1. Truly the most beautiful Christmas for you because your children incorporated their beloved father into all the gifts. You are truly blessed with amazing children.

  2. Thank you for the heart felt compliment, Brandy. Bob is never forgotten, not for one minute, by any of us. Tears still flow when we miss him. That is a successful person. Two imperfect people got together to form a union that became perfect over time. Lots of time. LOL

  3. Tears for Happy memories that included their father and families. Belated Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

  4. It's nice to see you visit Angie's House, Linda. A Blessed New Year to you and your lovely family, also.
