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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Our State Has Added a New Article to Vote On

Today is the day that - hopefully - the true voice of American citizens can be heard.  Yup, I voted.  I got up early and dressed to go straight to the polls.  There were only three categories for our state.  The third one made me proud to be an American.  It was to add an article to the state constitution that relieves all surviving spouses of military who have died in combat of paying real estate tax on the property they reside in.  How cool is that.  Thankfully no one in our family is in this category.  I'm proud to say I voted yes on this topic.  If, in any way, I can do something to make this a better and more compassion state, I'm all for it.

Since it appears our country is in need of ethical assistance these days I encourage you to go the polls to have your voice heard.  I know quite a few people ask why bother.  I don't know if elections are rigged or not.  There's so much garbage out there that it's difficult to believe what is truth.  I just know, as it stands right now, we have the choice to vote for whom we feel will best represent us.

Stay safe.


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