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Monday, September 29, 2014

A Nice Weekend and Today's Tasks, Two For the Price of One!

I spent the weekend going to garage sales with my daughter, then dinner with her on Sunday evening.  The eldest daughter had company from out of state so I didn't see her.  Garage sailing was a fun way to spend Saturday, whether we found something or not.  A good time together is always priceless.

I was surprised when my son in law asked if I have posted anything here recently.  I didn't know a six foot two inch manly man would be interested in this blog.  Loyalty is a great thing when one feels the effect of it.

The kiddos were watching 'Mickey Ho Ho', which when translated is The Christmas Carol.  We had dinner and changed the kids into PJ then proceeded with the night time ritual.  I had the privilege of reading a story, the four year old turned off the light, after saying good night, I went down stairs.  Through the monitor I heard the grandchildren saying their  prayers.  My heart sang.  My daughter and son in law were repeating the ritual that was hers when she was a child.   She was paying attention all those years.  When I was raising our children my mind was only on their lives.  It never occurred to me that there would be future generations that would practice the same rituals.  A nice surprise for grandma.

This morning there was a few small peppers on the plants in the garden.  We'll still have warm days for a while so I'll leave the plants for a couple more weeks, giving the peppers an opportunity to mature.

Windows will fly open today to catch the crisp fall air of morning.  My house smells stale from all of the air conditioning and closed windows from summer.  I'll be scrubbing down the kitchen and living room to help remove the staleness.  I also need to call in someone to steam clean the rug in the downstairs bedroom.  This, and more, in preparation for the holidays.

In my elder years my morning routine has been altered.  I say my morning prayers, mix my vitamin drink, check out the news online, let the lazy pup out, check the garden, talk to the eldest as she drives to work, then prepare breakfast.  Looking back I've always had a routine, it just changes as the seasons in life change.  A change I would like to make is to add something to my blog each post.  A blog I read lists the writer's things she is thankful for each day.  I'd like to add that to my posts.  But, I wouldn't do that without her knowledge and permission.  So, A New Life in Wales, what say you?

I wish my readers a great day and stay safe.



  1. You have a lovely way with words. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and bits of wisdom.

  2. You just warmed my heart. Thank you for the compliment. I'm tickled that you are benefiting from this blog. You, in turn have helped me to continue the blog. I get so little feed back that I sometimes think it doesn't matter that much. Then I remind myself that if only one person is inspired, I have completed my mission. You have inspired me. (Hugs)
