Over 2000 years ago a baby was born to humble parents. Joseph, the new daddy, loved his young wife with all of his heart. He was so excited about the new baby. Joseph was a carpenter. He made a cradle for the baby to lie his head in comfort and security. Mary, the mommy to be, was 14 years old, yet filled with a wisdom that could not be ignored.
Even though Mary was growing rather uncomfortable with the weight of the baby, she took a trip to visit her cousin, Elizabeth. Elizabeth was pregnant, also, and close to her due date. Mary stayed with her for a couple of months after the baby was born. She was, after all, family. When Elizabeth was on her feet and able to care for John ( Later John was known as the Baptizer.) Mary began the journey home.
Wouldn't you know, when Mary arrived home there was a government decree to travel to the capitol city and register. All Jews had to register so Rome could tax them. Mary was pretty tired and 3 weeks from her due date, but rested a couple days and began, with Joseph, to travel to Jerusalem to obey the new law.
Joseph had a donkey he used around the homestead. He tied blankets to the animal's back so his wife could sit on him, experiencing a bit of comfort. Mary packed some blankets, dried fruit and bread with some water for the long trip. The journey was the beginning of a new life for all who asks for it.
Two weeks later Mary informed Joseph that she was in labor. I'm sure Joseph was a bit anxious when he couldn't find a room for them. He wanted to provide the comfort Mary needed while she was giving birth. Because everyone was traveling to Jerusalem, all of the rooms were booked. A kind tavern (hotel) owner offered his barn for shelter, at no cost.
It was there that Mary gave birth to her Son, Jesus the Christ.
All of heaven was singing and dancing. Mary was glad labor was over and falling in love with her new baby boy. Joseph was in awe of the miracle of birth and fell deeper in love with his wife. His face shone with pride as he looked at the new addition to his family. Life was good.
In the sky the Northern star shone bright. Three kings noticed it and felt led to follow it. The star was directly over the stable where Jesus was born. The kings felt love for the baby and gave Him gifts. Each king gave one gift. Because they recognized the baby was a king, the gifts were befitting royalty.
As we celebrate the most well know birthday in the universe, we give gifts to those we love. Hopefully we give to those in need, as well. There doesn't have to be a pile of gifts. Only one. That one gift can be given with all of the love we have for someone.
While we celebrate this Christmas remember the baby. Remember those in need of prayer and love. Keep close to your family and friends. Tell someone how important they are to you. And most of all, thank God for the Baby born all of those years ago. He knows your name, He'll be happy that you remembered Him.
Merry Christ - mas! God's peace to the earth, good will towards men.
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